According to the Bothersome Bob Barber Blog Act of 1884, all blogs are required to have an ‘About Me’ page. This is ours.
The first movie I ever remember going to see was Raiders of the Lost Ark. I am sure I saw others before this, but this is the earliest movie I remember. Probably because it was pretty much awesome. I was 6 1/2-years-old. My mom and dad took me to The Villa which was a classic movie theatre in Salt Lake City, Utah that originally opened in 1949. Now someone sells rugs out of the place. Travesty. Anyway, I remember my parents debating about whether or not I could handle some of the more graphic scenes. Knowing I would love it, they took me. After I saw the faces melt, I knew what they had been talking about. I remember bursting out laughing as the Nazi’s faces slid off their skulls. Probably because I was scared. Holy crap, I loved going to see that movie with my parents. I still love movies and I love seeing my kids enjoy them the way I enjoyed Raiders.
Because I know you did the math on my age just then and therefore deduced that drive-ins were still a thing when I was a kid, the first drive-in movie I remember was The Empire Strikes Back. I watched it while sitting on top of my parent’s car. How is that for two first movie memories: Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Empire Strikes Back.
I enjoy narratives whether it’s a short story or following a team for an entire season. What I love about movies is that I can consume a lot of narratives in a very short time, and the best part about movies is the bad ones are often still enjoyable, unlike bad books, TV series, or under .500 teams.
I’m always ready to watch a movie. You know that old question of if you could live during any time period, which would it be? I can up with a couple of options like wanting to follow The Clash on tour, but I think I’d still just end up on the present day. I mean great theaters and countless movies on my phone? That’s hard to beat. I also might pick the hopefully-not-too-distant-future where hover boards are also affordable.